Our journey of blogging is new, and begins in 2023 when we moved to Florida, United States. We got lot of opportunities here to travel and explore. We got enough time to share our experiences with people through a website. We found sonicmenuspot.com to share updated food items with latest prices with our fellow food enthusiasts.
When it begins?
We start exploring different sonic franchises in 2023, gather knowledge about menus, and taste everything on their menu. In 1st quarter of 2024, my sister Emma give me an idea to establish a website to share our food experience with people. I agreed with her, and in result, sonicmenuspot.com came into being in March, 2024.
Visit “About Us” page for our more detailed past.
Moving Forward
It is our 1st project to share our reviews and experiences with the people, and the response we are getting from our visitors is awesome. We are excited to continue our work and explore more and more sonic franchises to share reviews with our beloved users. Our new journey with sonicmenuspot.com is joyful and full of excitement.
Future Plans
As discussed earlier, response by our visitors motivates us to work more on foods and menus. Being a food lover, it’s an exciting task for us to visit different restaurants and taste their food. In future, we have a plan to start visiting other hotels, restaurants and food chains to explore more menus, foods and post reviews for our visitors.